Wednesday, June 2, 2010


It is now June and I can't believe that the pre-elite camp is right around the corner. I will be leaving in just three days for Philadelphia! It's going to be really interesting and fun to row with the people that I compete against, especially on a whole new level. I might have mentioned before, but I still have no idea how it is going to turn out the first day I get there. Who will I meet? How good are they? Where do I stand next to all these other great rowers? These are just some of the first questions that come to my mind.

I will be posting after the first day most likely about how it went. As far as I know, the first day (Sunday, June 6th) we are just having a meeting and then going for a run. The real rowing won't start until Monday. Yay! I am looking forward to getting on the water again every day and rowing in more small boats. I am doubly looking forward to racing!! At the end of the email we just received about camp, it said "plan to train and train to race". Some words of wisdom right there. I am excited to do just that.

On the non-rowing side of things, I have been working my butt of trying to make money in the short two weeks that I was home. It's been pretty good though because today I got a raise and that will definitely help a lot with buying food and other necessities at camp, and next year at school. A lot of the people I work with are getting excited about this whole rowing thing. I told my boss that some day I want to try out for the Olympic team and they all thought that was pretty neat. So now that people know, I just have to do it to prove that I can!

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